About essentail oil
Peppermint essential oil is derived from the leaves of the Mentha piperita plant, a hybrid mint species that is a cross between watermint and spearmint. The oil is obtained through steam distillation of the leaves, capturing its refreshing, minty, and invigorating aroma.
Peppermint essential oil is cherished for its potential to provide a cooling sensation and alleviate discomfort. Its menthol-rich scent is often used to soothe headaches, muscle tension, and digestive issues.
The oil's invigorating fragrance has led to its use in aromatherapy to enhance alertness, focus, and mental clarity. It can help boost energy and improve concentration.
Peppermint oil is sometimes used in skincare products due to its potential to provide a refreshing and cooling sensation to the skin. It can be added to toners, body washes, and foot creams.
The oil is valued for its potential to support respiratory health. Its camphoraceous aroma can help clear nasal passages and ease congestion.
The oil's reputation for its potent properties has led to its use in natural remedies, from alleviating digestive discomfort to repelling insects.
Due to its versatility and potential therapeutic properties, peppermint essential oil is a staple in aromatherapy, natural remedies, and personal care products.
In summary, peppermint essential oil is a revitalizing and aromatic oil with potential benefits for pain relief, respiratory health, and mental focus. Its invigorating aroma and potential therapeutic properties make it a valuable addition to various wellness and aromatic applications.
Safety card
Birth certificate of essential oil
Latin name:Mentha piperataExtraction:Steam distillationParts used:LeavesOrigin of parts:IndiaCAS:8006-90-4Constituents:1,8-cineole, a-pinene, b-pinene, germacrene-d, isomenthone, limonene, menthol, menthone, methofuran, methyl acetate, pulegon and trans-sabinene hydrateScent:Minty, coolNote:TopColor:Slightly yellowViscosity:ThinOrigin:IndiaShelf life:Approximately 3-4 years -
Blends with:
Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rosemary, and Lemon -
100% natural, not diluted and not adulterated essentail oil. It does not contain any other chemical or carrier oil
Promotes focus and mental clarityRefreshing and invigoratingAids digestion and relieves discomfort -
Suggestions for use
Add a few drops to a diffuser for a refreshing and uplifting aromaDilute and apply topically for a cooling sensation -
Study on the effects of Mentha piperita essential oil on cognitive performance - full articleResearch on the antimicrobial activity of Mentha piperita essential oil - full articleInvestigation of the digestive benefits of Mentha piperita essential oil - full article